10 Tips For Treating A Fever

10 Tips For Treating A Fever

When you have a fever, it usually indicates that something is out of the ordinary in your body. Although fever is usually not dangerous in adults and typically only lasts a couple of days, it can be rather uncomfortable. While treatment with an over-the-counter fever reducer is always an option, there are plenty of other things you can do to stay as comfortable as possible. Here are the top 10 tips for treating a fever caused by illness or infection. As with anything having to do with your health, be sure to check with a medical professional before beginning any course of treatment.

10 Useful Tips For Treating A Fever

  1. Stay hydrated. A fever can cause you to become very dehydrated, a condition that’s only exacerbated by the sweats and chills that often accompany it. Therefore, be sure you are drinking plenty of fluids.
  2. Take a tepid bath. You don’t want the water to be too cool or too warm. This may reduce the fever, and it will make you much more comfortable as well.
  3. Avoid overcooling the skin. While a cool cloth may provide some comfort, measures like alcohol rubdowns are no longer recommended. Some believe that the shivering this causes may actually in the end raise the body temperature.
  4. Choose nourishing fluids. Sometimes a decreasing appetite accompanies a fever at a time when your body could use the extra energy. Thus, try to choose nourishing fluids like fruit juices, broth, and juiced vegetables to keep up your strength.
  5. Get plenty of rest. A fevering body needs to rest. If at all possible, try to avoid taking a fever reducer and continuing on with your daily activities.
  6. Strive for comfort. Many experts believe that lowering a fever can interfere with the body’s immune response. While you don’t want a fever to get too high, try to find other ways to keep yourself comfortable.
  7. Wear light, comfortable clothes. Choose clothing and blankets that make you feel as comfortable as possible. You don’t want to feel too warm or stuffy, as this will only add to your discomfort.
  8. Dim the lights. Bright lights from a window or fixture can sometimes be uncomfortable for those with a fever. If the light is bothering your eyes or contributing to your headache, pull the curtains or turn off the TV and lights.
  9. Watch for signs of dehydration. This includes excessive thirst, infrequent urination, and the absence of tears. If this is the case, a medical professional needs to be contacted immediately, as further treatment may be necessary.
  10. Keep in touch with your doctor. There are certain symptoms that, when accompanies by a fever, can indicate something more serious. Thus, it’s best to keep your doctor apprised of your symptoms as well as any unusual spikes in temperature.
