7 Tips To Increase Height Naturally

7 Tips To Increase Height Naturally

7 Useful Tips To Increase Height Naturally

1. Proper Sleep:

It’s a well-known fact that our body grows and regenerates tissue while we rest. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely essential in a growing body. It’s believed that the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in our bodies during sound, deep and slow wave sleep. Growing children and teenagers should have at least 8 to 11 hours of proper sleep every night in order to reach their maximum height.
Taking a warm water bath before going to bed can greatly enhance the quality of sleep.
This is a definitely the top answer to how to grow height naturally.

2. Regular Exercise and Sports:

One of the best ways to increase height naturally is being physically fit and active as a child. Regular exercise and sports activity enhances height. When you are physically active, your body demands more healthy nutrients and consequently, increase in nutrient intake results in proper growth.
Indulging in sports activities like swimming, aerobics, tennis, cricket, football, basketball or number of stretching exercises are a good way to keep our body growing. Our muscles improve our growth prospects besides clean-sing and detoxifying our body through sweating. Regular exercise or sports should definitely form a part of our daily activities.

3. Yoga:

Yoga is a great and comparatively less strenuous way to increase height naturally. Certain yoga poses facilitate the release of growth inducing hormones in the body. The stretching exercises involved in yoga strengthen the muscles and improve the posture of the body as well.

4. Maintaining Correct Posture:

Due attention should be given towards maintaining a correct posture from childhood. Simple things like sitting straight in a chair, keeping your shoulders straight, chin high, and hips over your feet while walking or standing can actually have favourable effects on your height.
A straight spine and a strong back are very vital in increasing your height. Having a good pillow and a body friendly mattress are equally important in keeping your spine comfortable.
It should be noted that your shoulders should not stoop while walking or standing. A good posture makes you look tall, smart and confident.

5. Balanced Diet:

A balanced diet is absolutely essential to get proper nutrition. Stay away from junk food at any cost. It should be ensured that you get all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, to grow to your full height.
  • Vitamin D and proteins help in triggering the growth hormones and are required for proper growth of teeth and bones. Hence, the foods which are rich in these nutrients such as cheese, legumes, tofu, lean meat, egg white should be included in your diet.
  • Intake of zinc is also very important as this deficiency can lead to stunted growth in children. Foods such as asparagus, chocolate, eggs, oysters and peanuts are rich in zinc.
  • Calcium found in dairy products and green vegetables is required for the growth and development of bones.
  • Apart from this, other nutrients like minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins should not be ignored as they also contribute towards proper growth of the body. The nutritional requirements can also be fulfilled by taking supplements in limited quantities.

6. Avoid Growth Stunting factors:

Taking drugs and alcohol at a young age can be extremely harmful. Consuming these can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition, thus preventing you from reaching your full height. The intake of caffeine should be restricted, particularly among children as it keeps you from sleeping soundly and regularly. Apart from this, steroids have also been found to inhibit bone growth in young children, adversely affecting their height.

7. Strong Immune System:

Certain childhood illnesses can also cause stunted growth. These can be avoided by regular immunization and taking plenty of vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon. The immune system can be kept strong by eating whole and fresh foods and avoiding processed and hydrogenated foods such as margarine.
Incorporate lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to maintain a healthy immune system.


  1. very useful post. Natural height gain supplement is very safe and effective to achieve desired height in a natural way.


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